Discovering Me

Me on having babies, losing babies, trying to have babies and hoping to bring this one home.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I am a bad blogger. I'm not even sure that what's been going on since my last post warrants catching up, but suffice it to say, I've been crazy (shut-up Kenna, I know I am crazy).

We've been all over. Jim's been working stupid hours and missed our family vacation. My parents have come and gone. School has ended and summer is already half-over. My baby starts kindergarten (!) in just a few weeks. Our yard is finished, the painting is done and the laundry never ends.

There. You're all caught up with me.

How about some pictures?

Gracie looking a touch shell-shocked at her preschool graduation.

Nattie looking sleepy at said graduation.

Gracie at her last show. She's gotten to be such a big girl. Kenna, how's that for a nice seat, eh?

Nattie slept through most of that show.

A wild stallion on the beach during our vacation to the Outer Banks. This was so damn cool. These horses were wild and were all over around our house. So, so, cool.

Rifle in the sunrise.

Happy girl in the sunrise.

Happy sisters.