Discovering Me

Me on having babies, losing babies, trying to have babies and hoping to bring this one home.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hi, it's me....

We're back. It was nice to go visit. We had some good times. However, I do not advise going to a country that is hot, dirty, where the hygiene habits are questionable (at best) and where they eat really stinky things when you are in your first trimester. Let's just say it was difficult. Let's also say that we came home three weeks early. Because I was tired of hiding in the house and puking every night.

I am so glad to be home. I love my home. I love American food. I love that most people here bathe and used deodorant. *Ahhhhh, sigh.*

So, twelve weeks. Ultrasound Monday gave us a due date of January 29. Delivery date is January 7. Odd, but that is my grandma's birthday. The one I mentioned a ways back who had all the miscarriages and the baby who died at birth. The one I feel such a connection with now. I guess some things, even though they aren't planned, really are meant to be.

More later...


  • At 1:00 PM , Blogger Catherine said...

    Welcome Home!

  • At 1:36 PM , Blogger KB said...

    mmmm..... when's the next u/s? You know, the one where you're not finding out the sex but *I* get to?

  • At 9:59 AM , Blogger BabyDansMommy said...

    Welcome home!! Hope you're feeling well soon. Sending you some love and prayers through your pregnancy. I've followed your blog for a long time, never commented much, but I'm getting a little braver. :)

  • At 6:57 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    SO glad to have you back!! SO HAPPY that you are truckin' along!!!
    8 weeks and 2 days here, myself. And I feel like total shit too.
    Has your nausea and puking gone away? PLEASE give me hope!!!

  • At 10:41 AM , Blogger Sherry said...

    Welcome home and a BIG congrats to you! =)

  • At 4:11 AM , Blogger Heather said...

    Welcome home. I hope all is going well. Please post updates when you can.

  • At 10:22 AM , Blogger Unknown said...


    You know...when you can.. :)


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