Met with Dr. M
Got the official green light today. She said that they'd start me on the Heparin as soon as I get pregnant and have me quit taking the baby aspirin. She'll see me every two weeks until the end when I'll go in twice a week. I'll see Dr. W every month, then every two weeks, then twice a week for fetal monitoring. They'll give me steroids at 29 weeks and deliver around 34. She want me off work at 24. I'll get two high level ultrasound at 18 and 24 weeks to check heart development. Wow. That's a lot. That will be four appointments a week in the end. Sheesh.
I go see Dr. W next week for a follow-up and to get all our ducks in a row. I'm exhausted just thinking about all of that.
For those who don't know the deal, here it is...
We lost Audrey at 33 weeks. She had been measuring small and had lowish fluid. No reason for concern since we have a healthy living daughter (Gracie) who just turned two. No reason to think there would be a problem. I went in for a non-stress test on Sept. 16 and found that our daughter Audrey had died. We think she had been gone for a couple of days. She was delivered that day via c-section.
Our lab work confirmed that I have a genetic mutation (MTHFR mutation) that causes clots (short story to a long explanation) and also a protein S deficiency that causes clots. There are several other tests that we suspect may be positive but we don't have those results back just yet. In a nutshell, my clotting issues caused Audrey's placenta to slowly clot off and kill her.
They treat these with Heparin (one or two injections per day). I've also been taking folic acid, B6, B12 and baby aspirin (which I'll likely be on the rest of my life).
So, having said all that... I'm anxious to get this show on the road.
I go see Dr. W next week for a follow-up and to get all our ducks in a row. I'm exhausted just thinking about all of that.
For those who don't know the deal, here it is...
We lost Audrey at 33 weeks. She had been measuring small and had lowish fluid. No reason for concern since we have a healthy living daughter (Gracie) who just turned two. No reason to think there would be a problem. I went in for a non-stress test on Sept. 16 and found that our daughter Audrey had died. We think she had been gone for a couple of days. She was delivered that day via c-section.
Our lab work confirmed that I have a genetic mutation (MTHFR mutation) that causes clots (short story to a long explanation) and also a protein S deficiency that causes clots. There are several other tests that we suspect may be positive but we don't have those results back just yet. In a nutshell, my clotting issues caused Audrey's placenta to slowly clot off and kill her.
They treat these with Heparin (one or two injections per day). I've also been taking folic acid, B6, B12 and baby aspirin (which I'll likely be on the rest of my life).
So, having said all that... I'm anxious to get this show on the road.
At 6:37 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Congrats on the official green light! I hope that you're pregnant in no time. :)
At 5:05 AM ,
Roxanne said...
I wanted to let you know that there is a Yahoo group with a lot of women who have clotting disorders...but I'm not sure if it's specifically for what you have or if it's just for APA. I am on the list, although I just got a false positive. I should really get off the list. I read your posts you wrote over the last few days. And I relate to so much of what you've said. I hate the urgency of it...this desperate need to get pregnant again. Because this was our first child, I feel like half a mother...and I need to complete that other half.
I am actually really happy that I will be monitored so closely during the next pregnancy. I know it is a lot of stress, but is it some comfort to know that the doctors will be watching you so closely? I go back and forth on this. I know that every appointment will be incredibly stressful and what can they really do if something goes wrong? But then at least I think that if something does go wrong, at least they should know why next time.
At 5:45 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Wow, and I gripe about the once a week visits at the end!! LOL Sounds like you'll be in good hands! BTW, I've sent you all my baby dust cuz I need a pg bud again!
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