Discovering Me

Me on having babies, losing babies, trying to have babies and hoping to bring this one home.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Nothing's Easy

Still have 10 nice follies. We trigger tonight and retrieve on Wednesday.


No transfer this cycle. Dr. BM was already playing any possible transfer by ear but for the last 3 visits I've had a funky fluid collection in the old ute. Nothing crazy, I guess it happens sometimes. What it means though is for sure no transfer. We move on to a frozen cycle.


We were planning on being in Minnesota for Thanksgiving. I don't want to change that plan and if we went straight into a frozen cycle from here, we would certainly have to cancel that trip. I could wait and go on the pill and delay for two weeks, but that would put us into our move schedule and that is just more stress than I want.


I think we are going to stop after the transfer, have our holidays and get our move done. We'll shoot for coming back to Vegas for a transfer in January. We can stay here with friends for a few days and just so this when we are in a better frame of mind with less on our plates.

Why is life always so complicated?


  • At 12:43 PM , Blogger SWH said...

    Crap! That sure does make life more complicated.

    I'm sorry you have this added wait. Hopefully the FET in January will be in a less hectic time... and maybe you're move will be a tiny bit easier.

  • At 2:09 PM , Blogger formerteacher said...

    This sucks! Why does everything infertility related have to be so complicated, I wonder? Your plan for January does make sense, though. We all know how stressful moving and the holidays can be! Sorry for another bump in the road for you.

  • At 3:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well, shit. That certainly does complicate things...but I think you're making the right choice for what my opinion is worth. I really hope this long wait proves well worth while.

    P.S. Once you move maybe we should just get together for a big blow-out girls night and get good and sloppy drunk before the big transfer! ;-)

  • At 7:57 PM , Blogger msfitzita said...

    I'm so sorry. It shouldn't be complicated after all you've been through. It's not fair that it is. It's just SO not fair...

  • At 7:22 AM , Blogger Amy said...

    Hope that things go well for you today. Sorry to hear that you have to wait until January.

  • At 11:33 AM , Blogger kate said...

    That does sound like the best plan. I am sorry it involves so much waiting though! Oy, what a headache...i wish it was easier for you!


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