Because, God Forbid, I Should Relax...redone
NST yesterday. Lots of contractions. Then. Now. Still. I knew I was having them, but I really only noticed before bed and occasionally in the car. Now I'm paying attention. I wish I could stop.
Doc did do a cervical check and so far it's just low and soft, not open. Thank God for small favors I guess. Right now we're just going to watch it and I'm to call if they get worse and try to stay off my feet. Ha!
Also had an ultrasound. That was great. She's* 5 lbs. already. Audrey was born about now and was 3 lbs. 3 oz. Small is a red flag for a problem, we knew Audrey was small but didn't know to look at it as a potential issue. I'm glad Natalie is where she is.
I don't really have much else to say. Maybe I'll try again in a day or two.
*...yeah, typo. Sorry for the panic attacks! Far as we know, still a "she".
Also, I didn't mean for this post to sound so pathetic. I'm really not upset, really. I'm just, well, I don't know. Not upset though. Maybe I'm just done. I'm done. If she's coming now, I'm okay with that. So long as she's alive. Now is okay.
Of course, her room is a mess and her clothes are either in need of washing or they need the tags off or both. Oh, and I don't have a bag packed or any idea what I would take to the hospital. So you know, that would suck. Maybe I should do that...just in case I have to ask someone to grab my stuff...
Doc did do a cervical check and so far it's just low and soft, not open. Thank God for small favors I guess. Right now we're just going to watch it and I'm to call if they get worse and try to stay off my feet. Ha!
Also had an ultrasound. That was great. She's* 5 lbs. already. Audrey was born about now and was 3 lbs. 3 oz. Small is a red flag for a problem, we knew Audrey was small but didn't know to look at it as a potential issue. I'm glad Natalie is where she is.
I don't really have much else to say. Maybe I'll try again in a day or two.
*...yeah, typo. Sorry for the panic attacks! Far as we know, still a "she".
Also, I didn't mean for this post to sound so pathetic. I'm really not upset, really. I'm just, well, I don't know. Not upset though. Maybe I'm just done. I'm done. If she's coming now, I'm okay with that. So long as she's alive. Now is okay.
Of course, her room is a mess and her clothes are either in need of washing or they need the tags off or both. Oh, and I don't have a bag packed or any idea what I would take to the hospital. So you know, that would suck. Maybe I should do that...just in case I have to ask someone to grab my stuff...