Orb-ital Dreams

Now friends, take a look at that picture. I missed something until I got the printed copies back today. See the bluish orb just to the left and above Gracie's head?
I know not everyone believes in that stuff, but is it okay if I believe that is her sister?
Okay, I'm not a freak. There is actually evidence that orbs that show up in pictures are the energy of spirits.
The following excerpt is from a book called The Encyclopedia of Ghosts & Spirits:
ORBS Energy anomalies recorded at some haunted sites. Orbs are not visible to the naked eye but can be seen through infrared monitors and can be recorded on photographic film. When they show up, they appear to be luminosities that are round or diffuse, and even rectangular in shape. Detection and study of orbs has developed with the advent of high technology GHOST INVESTIGATION. Orbs appear to be a form of energy of unknown origin. They are not stray light sources, insects or dust particles. They are not sufficiently strong enough to set off any type of detection meters, nor do they have sufficient mass to set off infrared motion detectors. They seem to defy gravity and change directions, sometimes quickly. They twinkle. They react to the presence of people: they increase in number when people are present in a haunted location. They appear both indoors and outdoors. They cannot be explained by static discharge such as that which is created by walking on carpet, for they are recorded in houses and buildings that have no carpet. Orbs are not the same as GHOST LIGHTS, which are similar in shape and behavior, but which are much brighter and are visible to the naked eye. According to DALE KACZMARKEK, president of GHOST RESEARCH SOCIETY (GRS), orbs may be some of the best evidence for hauntings. The GRS has pioneered investigation of orbs with night-vision equipment and has documented cases with unexplained orb activity.
So maybe I am nuts. But...what if?