That's me.
So, I have no idea how many follicles I would have at this point in my cycle if it were unmedicated. I know when you start your cycle there are usually around 16 to start. As the days tick by though, those numbers dwindle and you would normally ovulate only one, maybe two, eggs.
I guess the doc is playing a numbers game. What he wants are good quality eggs. The more eggs he gets, the better the chances of getting a few that are of good quality. So, at the end of the day, I only really need one. But, here's where I start feeling guilty again because what I really want are 5. I want two to transfer and three to freeze just in case.
Enter Guilt.
I want twins. I want two babies. I do. I want them to transfer two and I want both of them. I am a greedy bitch and I feel like I am owed. I am. I do. I've had my babies taken from me and I feel like getting a package deal would help even things out. Is that so wrong of me?
I mean, with everything we've been through, I think it's only fair. I've been afraid to really say that out loud because what if the pregnancy Gods hear me and decide to punish me by giving me zero. I mean, I'll take what I can get, I don't want to be ungrateful, but seriously, I'm due. It's my turn.